Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm fortunate to live in a country where guns are an almost non-existant problem for society. This doesn't stop me from getting agitated whenever I hear an argument made in favour of their use and possession.

Today's culprits who espoused the virtues of firearms were the Socialist Alternative nutbars who feel it necessary to be both terrified of attack and filled with unholy hatred simultaneously.

Their view, along with many others, is that if more people had guns, there would be less crime. After all, how could you get raped or mugged if you could easily put hot lead in their skulls and prevent the crime from happening in the first place?

Imagine how safe it would be if everyone had a weapon. Every man, woman and child with a six-shooter, well-trained in marksmanship and ready to defend themselves at even a moment's notice. Criminals beware! Dark alleys will no longer be your haven; women's chastity will remain intact and children can play in the streets without fear of molestation. And every citizen can look at one another, and smile, safe in the knowledge that they are all equally well-prepared. God's radiance will shine down upon us all and peace and happiness will be our only laws.

Yeah. I think I'll set aside issues of practicality (the thousands of accidental deaths), morality (disproportionate retribution; killing to protect one's wallet) and talk about fear instead.

This type of society is a horrifying one; where people are so fearful of attack, and so distrustful of one another they feel compelled to carry deadly weapons with them at all times.

The world is a scary place to live in for humans. There are dangers from without such as from vicious and poisons creatures, and from within, such as those coming from the caprices and gluttonous appetites of evil men. Anyone who has ever encountered "the Prisoner's Dilemma" is also aware of the contradiction involved in trusting fellow men, as a single person acting in their own best interests will have disastrous consequences for all others. Altruism may not even exist in this world.

These facts may be true. The difference between myself and the gun owner is that I choose not to live in such a craven manner. The world is scary? Fine. Altruism is a lie? Whatever.

I'll trust the guy walking next to me despite these hard truths. He may end up stabbing me and taking my Video Ezy membership card. But until he does, I'll relish the company.

Have your guns. I'll enjoy my bright and fearless world.

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