Monday, November 8, 2010

Elevator rage

I seem to spend a lot of time railing against Asians. It's not racist though as I don't think they're less than any other people, merely that I have more interactions with them that annoy me.

Today's case of fury has to do with the use of elevators.

Imagine you have a lift packed to the brim with people like a tin of dolphin-infused tuna. You all go to the same floor, and yet no one can get out. Why? Because there are a gaggle of Asian girls attempting to bully their way into the elevator with little regard to anyone inside.

I have little regard for etiquette or rules of conduct when it comes to many things. But this infraction isn't even a problem of courtesy or politeness - it's just common sense. How is anyone going to get out if you are all blocking the way? You aren't going to get to your floor any faster by pushing your way through the crowd - in fact, it's going to take twice as long.

Sometimes I wish the elevator would mince legs and arms of people unable to get out of the way in time like an amateur production of SAW. Maybe then these retards would respect the law of physics which states that two objects cannot inhabit the same place in time and space.

I do my best to avenge these offences against common sense by leaving disturbing fragrances upon my departure from the lift. Revenge is a dish best served pungent.

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