Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cinema seating

I fear that the theatre's sojourn into online convenience has had some unintended consequences.

Though it's been around for a while, you can book your specific seats online ahead of time so as to reserve the best spots; the idea being that you can avoid being stuck at the front row when you see the latest Harry Potter.

Problem is that it's being used by a very different sort of cinema-goer, namely, the seat Nazis. These are the dickheads who will tell you "hey that's my seat! See! My ticket says J-10 and you are in J-10!"

For many years I have gone to the cinema and when I arrive inside, I look around for a seat to my taste that is unoccupied and then avail myself of it. If there wasn't enough seats for my friends, or strangers required more, I'd happily move over or similar so that we may coexist in peace and love.

Nowadays I will be sitting in an empty cinema when one of these jerks will ask me to move out of his seat. I am completely bumfuzzled as to why they can't sit up or down a seat, or next to me. Why are all these people so childish and unable to communicate or simply be reasonable?

I think the online seat allotments is drawing in the library computer-booking people - the asshats who demand their 10:15 computer at spot 2A rather than just waiting in line.

Why not wait in line? Why not trust in the fairness and sanguinity of your fellow man? Must I really jab my movie drink straw through your right eye socket in frustration?

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