Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The first

My latest forays into building a writing business have turned out to be less than fruitful; I seem to be suffering a certain amount of cognitive dissonance regarding my writer's professionalism and a desire to make money. It seems that these goals are mutually exclusive.

It doesn't help that every single offer I seem to be getting is from a complete asshat, determined to wring me dry for every moist droplet of talent I can produce for little in return.

I am convinced however that anyone who uses the internet for a profit motive is both (A) a lacklustre person with aspirations of getting rich with little to no work and (B) greedy, selfish, stupid and in all likelihood, physically hideous. Why else would they be peddling their unintelligible and superfluous wares where no one could see their faces?

I'll be making commentary on people in their entirety, rather than these troglodytes that perpetually burn my ass on the internet. But today, my ass is burned by internet trolls and I wish to bitch about it.

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